
Birthday: 10/18/2017
Age: 7 years old
Favorite Food: Meatlover’s Pizza
Current Home: Evanston, IL
Favorite Place: Grandma’s House
Favorite Hobby: Skateboarding
Favorite Movie: Home Alone 2
Favorite Book: Hilarious Jokes For 7-Year-Old Kids: by Hayden Fox
Favorite TV Show: Ninjago
Favorite Word: Cool
Favorite Quote/Saying: Cowabunga!
Favorite Season: Summer
Secret Talent: Lego creations
Favorite Animal: Rabbit
Favorite Sport: Taekwondo
Birthday: Unknown
From: Black Hole
Height: With a radius of about 435,000 miles OUR
SUN is the largest object in our solar system [109 times that of earth!].
Age: 4 Billion years old
Favorite Foods: Black holes, Galaxies…
Number of earths that fit into SUN? 1.3 million earths
Current Home: Milky Way
Favorite Place: Chilin’-in-Universe
Favorite Hobby: Being Center of THIS Universe!
Favorite Movie: Earth – One Amazing Day (2017) Nature Documentary Movie
Watch Earth: One Amazing Day | Prime Video (
Favorite Book: Sun Needs a Holiday by Dr. Zee
Favorite Word: Hot
Favorite Quote/Saying: Hey, I went on Holiday!
Favorite Season: Loves ALL Seasons Equally!
Secret Talent: Shining Brightly [not so secret, lol.]
Favorite Animal: Phoenix Bird
Favorite Sport: Solar System Flying

Full Name: Alam
Birthday: November 5, 2015
Height: 4 feet 7 inches
Age: 9 years old
Favorite Food: PBJ Sandwiches
Current Home: Tampa Bay, FL
Favorite Place: Baseball Field
Favorite Hobby: Playing baseball
Favorite Cartoon: Pokemon
Favorite Book: Max Einstein: The Genius Experiment by James Patterson
Favorite TV Show: Teen Titans Go
Favorite Word: Epic
Favorite Season: Spring
Secret Talent: Playing clarinet
Favorite Animal: Alligator
Favorite Sport: Karate
Full Name: Amara
Birthday: November 6, 2017
Height: 4 feet 3 inches
Age: 9 years old
Favorite Food: Tuna Sandwiches
Current Home: Tampa, FL
Favorite Place: Beach
Favorite Hobby: Drawing on sidewalks with chalk
Favorite Movie: Matilda
Favorite Book: Welcome to Wonderland: Home Sweet Motel by Chris Grabenstein
Favorite TV Show: The Loud House
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Favorite Quote/Saying: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
Favorite Season: Summer
Secret Talent: Reading 3-4 books at same time
Favorite Animal: Koala Bear
Favorite Sport: Rollerblading

Birthday: April 8, 2006
From: Lake OkeechobeeHeight: 6 feet
Age: 12 years old
Favorite Foods: Fish, snakes, turtles, small mammals, and birds
Current Home: Florida
Favorite Place: Any Swamp
Favorite Hobby: Basking in the sun
Favorite Movie: Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile
Favorite Book: Why the Alligator Got IN Our Bathtub by Dr. Zee
Favorite Word: Snap
Favorite Quote/Saying: Strike while the water’s warm.
Favorite Season: Summer
Secret Talent: Eyes glow in the dark
Favorite Animal: Turtles
Favorite Sport: Swimming
Full Name: Dunne
Birthday: September 9, 2020
From: South Pacific
Height: 3 feet 6 inches
Age: 3 ½ years old
Favorite Food: Macaroni & cheese
Current Home: San Francisco, California
Favorite Place: Park
Favorite Hobby: Painting with water colors
Favorite Movie: The Lion King
Favorite Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Favorite TV Show: Blippi
Favorite Word: Mommy
Favorite Quote/Saying: “No Moon Today!”
Favorite Season: Definitely Summer!
Secret Talent: Riding my bike w/o hands on steering wheel [But, I have my helmet ON. PLUS… PLEASE don’t try this at home!]
Favorite Animal: My Hamster [Cuddly]
Favorite Sport\Activity: Anything fun!

Birthday: Unknown
From: Giant Impact Hypothesis
Height: More common to state distance from earth: 238,855 miles
Gender/Preferred Pronoun: She/Her [so most people think,ha/ha!]
Age: 4.5 Billion Years Old
Favorite Foods: Cosmic Dust & Meteoroids
Current Home: Orbiting around Earth
Favorite Place: Chillin’ Between earth & sun
Favorite Hobby: Influencing tides & lighting up earth nights!
Favorite Movie: First Man
Favorite Book: No Moon Today
Favorite Word: Change
Favorite Quote/Saying: “It’s only a phase.”
Favorite Season: Enjoys ALL seasons equally!
Secret Talent: Gravitational Pull [not so secret because this affects earth’s tides\oceans]
Favorite Animal: Owls or Bats [basically, all nocturnal animals]
Favorite Sport: Surfing earth’s ocean tides!
Full Name: Rain Reham Purbit
Birthday: March 3, 2018
Current Home: Brazil Rainforest
Height: 3 feet
Age: 6 years old
Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite Place: Beach
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Hobby: Skipping along any ol’ sidewalk
Favorite Movie: Bunny Town
Favorite Book: Marshmallow” by Clare Turlay Newberry
Favorite TV Show: Max & Ruby
Favorite Word: Loves ALL of them!
Favorite Quote/Saying: “I wish I could ride a rainbow and slide down to a land of candy clouds!”
Favorite Season: Likes ALL of them!
Secret Talent: Feeling future events.
Favorite Animal: Like ALL of them!
Favorite sport: Jumping rope

Full Name: Radar Anwar Purbit
Birthday: June 9, 2017
Current Home: Brazil Rainforest
Height: 3 feet 3 inches
Age: 7 years old
Favorite Food: Cheese Pizza
Favorite Place: Beach
Favorite Hobby: Playing with leggos
Favorite Movie: Peter Rabbit
Favorite Book: Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells
Favorite TV Show: The InBESTigators
Favorite Word: Dinosaur!
Favorite Quote/Saying: Why fit IN when you were born to stand OUT? Dr. Seuss
Favorite Season: Summer
Secret Talent: Drawing
Favorite Animal: Pet Gold Fish [Haani]
Favorite Sport: Scoccer
Daddy Purbit
Full Name: Hafees Purbit
Birthday: October 27, 1989
Current Home: Brazil Rainforest
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Age: 35 years old
Favorite Food: Whatever Maha cooks!
Favorite Place: Something Fantastical!
Favorite Hobby: Storytelling
Favorite Movie: Zootopia
Favorite Book: The Tale of Benjamin Bunny by Beatrix Potter
Favorite TV Show: Watership Down
Favorite Word: Hop!
Favorite Quote/Saying: “What’s UP Doc?”
Favorite Season: Fall
Secret Talent: Resourcefulness
Favorite Animal: Duck
Favorite Sport: Basketball

Mommy Purbit
Full Name: Maha Purbit
Birthday: November 20, 1985
Current Home: Brazil Rainforest
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Age: 29 old
Favorite Food: Yummy salad!
Favorite Place: Anything Imaginary!
Favorite Hobby: Gardening
Favorite Movie: The Velveteen Rabbit
Favorite Book: Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
Favorite TV Show: Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends
Favorite Word: Jump!
Favorite Quote/Saying: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”
Favorite Season: Spring
Secret Talent: Determination & Resilience
Favorite Animal: Chinchillas
Favorite Sport: Whatever game my kids want to play!
Chase (Rainbow City)
Full Name: Chase Williams
Birthday: August 17, 2020
From: Rainbow City
Height: 3 feet 1 inches
Age: 3-1/2 years old
Favorite Food: Tacos
Current Home: Cloud 9
Favorite Place: Skateboard Park
Favorite Hobby: Arts & Crafts
Favorite Movie: Cars
Favorite Book: Rainbow City by Dr. Zee
Favorite TV Show: Bluey
Favorite Word: Why?
Favorite Quote/Saying: “Let me try it!”
Favorite Season: Summer
Secret Talent: Uncanny ability to remember details from stories
Favorite Animal: Kitten
Favorite Sport: Outdoor adventures!